Environments for Ageing and Dementia Design Assessment Tool (EADDAT)
Research tells us that age-friendly environments can help foster healthy and active ageing by building and maintaining cognitive capacities across the course of our lives. This is increasingly more important as the global population is ageing.
Environments for Ageing and Dementia Design Assessment Tool (EADDAT)
Research tells us that age-friendly environments can help foster healthy and active ageing by building and maintaining cognitive capacities across the course of our lives. This is increasingly more important as the global population is ageing.
More information about the resource is available below. You can download EADDAT through our Publications page.
EADDAT has three tiers, each reflecting the scale of intervention or project. The tiers are as follows:
Tier 1: Aware
The entry level, ideal for those wanting to make small changes to the home or in a small business. With tier 1 you can undertake a self-certification and receive a promotional pack to celebrate your first steps toward an age and dementia friendly environment.
You can download Tier 1 for free, via the Publications page.
Tier 2: Supportive
Tier 2 provides guidance on design features for a variety of different environments and building types. This toolkit is suitable for people living at home, businesses, healthcare, community and other local organisations. It can be used as a self-assessment tool and you will receive a promotional pack for your achievements. You can also request for our DSDC Auditors to undertake an official Audit and be promoted on our website and in our training materials.
You can download Tier 2 through the Publications page.
An advanced level for health care providers, construction professionals, developers, and town planners. This tier is under development.
Tier 3: Inclusive
With each tier, you receive a complete user guide, appropriate checklist, case study(s), and best practice examples. For more information on how EADDAT works, and to work out which version of the tool is best for you, visit our 'getting started’ page.
You can access the tool through DSDC’s Publications.
EADDAT has replaced DSDC’s original Dementia Design Audit Tool, reflecting the advances in our understanding of dementia design since the original tool’s inception in 2008. The new EADDAT is designed to be more accessible and covers an array of building typologies. Whether you are a person living with a dementia, a small business owner or commissioning a new care home, there is a version of EADDAT available to support you and your journey. EADDAT is available through DSDC’s publications page.