
Welcome to our Calendar. On this page you can view and sign up for our next training and events.

All of our activities are underpinned by the latest research and are delivered by our experienced multi-disciplinary team of nurses, consultants, architects, and designers.

  • Tour of Dementia Design & Technology Suite - Care and Design Professionals

    Join us on a guided tour of the Dementia Design & Technology Suite within the Iris Murdoch Building, our home.

    The tour will be hosted by a member of the team, and will include an overview to the building origins, public spaces, and the Design & Technology Suite.

    Cost - £30pp

  • Tour of Dementia Design & Technology Suite - Care and Design Professionals

    Join us on a guided tour of the Dementia Design & Technology Suite within the Iris Murdoch Building, our home.

    The tour will be hosted by a member of the team, and will include an overview to the building origins, public spaces, and the Design & Technology Suite.

    Cost - £30pp

  • Launch of LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Ageing and Dementia

    Join us online for the launch for DSDC's pioneering new training couse: LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Ageing and Dementia.

    Celebrate with us and hear from the experts who have created the course, along with key individuals in the LGBTQ+ community and care industry. Find out why more tailored care is so crucial and how we make our care more inclusive.

    Cost - Free but booking required.

  • LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Ageing and Dementia

    This resource raises awareness and challenges the thoughts of in those delivering care within our communities, that those who identify as LGBTQ+ are supported in a way that allows them to be true to who they are. The course will touch on why the needs of the LGBTQ+ community are different, what those needs are, wider considerations, and how we can provide care which respects and values authentic living.

    Cost - £125pp

  • Dementia: Supporting Unmet Need

    This newly developed course aims to enhance your knowledge of dementia by exploring both physical and psychological needs. The training is based on the biopsychosocial model of care to help increase knowledge, skills and confidence to support people living with dementia.

    Watch overview video here.

    Cost - £125pp

  • Dementia: Risk, Concern and Safeguarding Individuals

    An informative training course focused on supporting adults and promoting their protection. This training is designed to provide you with valuable insights and resources to learn about best practices, legislative frameworks, and how we can play a part in creating a safe environment for vulnerable adults. Learning outcomes include: understanding of relevant legislation (including Adult Support Protection, Safeguarding, Capacity, and Risk Taking), identifying and reporting concerns, control for people living with dementia, and what is risk?

    Cost - £125pp

  • Best Practice in Dementia Care Facilitator Training

    This award-winning course has been running since 2008. Facilitators, who are nominated by their organisation to take on the role, will complete the course over a four week period. On successful completion you will become a Registered Facilitator allowing you to support up to eight colleagues through the programme, using a cascade approach.

    Cost - Early Bird £1,650pp, regular price £1,750pp

  • Tour of Dementia Design & Technology Suite - Care and Design Professionals

    Join us on a guided tour of the Dementia Design & Technology Suite within the Iris Murdoch Building, our home.

    The tour will be hosted by a member of the team, and will include an overview to the building origins, public spaces, and the Design & Technology Suite.

    Cost - £30pp

  • Meaningful Connection & Engagement in Dementia Care

    A one-day course that allows participants to receive a greater understanding, knowledge, and increased skills in how to promote meaningful connection and engagement in practice. During this course, we will explore personhood, physical and psychological need, and discuss relevant scenarios which promote identity, inclusion, and meaningful care planning.

    Watch overview video here.

    Cost - £125pp

  • LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Ageing and Dementia

    This resource raises awareness and challenges the thoughts of in those delivering care within our communities, that those who identify as LGBTQ+ are supported in a way that allows them to be true to who they are. The course will touch on why the needs of the LGBTQ+ community are different, what those needs are, wider considerations, and how we can provide care which respects and values authentic living.

    Cost - £125pp

  • Enhanced Dementia Awareness (online)

    This course provides an in-depth learning experience to enhance participants' knowledge of ageing and dementia. Modules include: an introduction to ageing, the ageing brain and body, pre-diagnosis and diagnosis of dementia (the journey), types of dementia, latest research findings, and the importance of care support.

    Watch overview video here.

    Cost - £89pp

  • 1 Hour Free RIBA CPD

    DSDC offers a free one hour RIBA CPD approved training session that provides an overview to dementia and design.

    Cost - Free

  • Online Dementia Education Workshop for Care Partners and Volunteers

    These funded workshops support families and voluntary organisations in Scotland. They provide care partners and volunteers with the knowledge, skills and solutions that may be helpful when supporting someone living with dementia. They also provide the opportunity to hear from others in a similar situation, offering a peer support opportunity helping to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

    Cost - Free

  • Introduction to Dementia + Design

    The Introduction to Dementia + Design course has been developed to give those interested in the field a compact taster into the principles of dementia friendly design. This course is an introduction to the full Intersection of Dementia + Design training course which DSDC is also delighted to now be able to offer online.

    Cost - £175pp

  • Online Intersection of Dementia + Design

    DSDC’s bespoke training on dementia design intends to redress the balance between dementia care and dementia design by focussing on the complex combination of the individual, dementia and the environment.

    Cost - £775pp

  • Enhanced Dementia Awareness

    This course provides an in-depth learning experience to enhance participants' knowledge of ageing and dementia. Modules include: an introduction to ageing, the ageing brain and body, pre-diagnosis and diagnosis of dementia (the journey), types of dementia, latest research findings, and the importance of care support. This course also offers participants the opportunity to take part in an immersive dementia experience.

    Watch overview video here.

    Cost - £125pp

Dementia education workshops for people with dementia, family carers and volunteers

DSDC is delighted to provide dementia education workshops for people with a dementia, family carers and volunteers. Workshops are provided both online or face to face and are provided for free for people living in Scotland (workshops are run subject to funding).

  • In-House Training

    DSDC can deliver training at a venue of your choice and work with you to create a bespoke training session that meets your needs.

  • Advanced Study

    The University of Stirling offers a diverse range of globally recognised courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including the Postgraduate Certificate in Design for Dementia and Ageing.

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