
DSDC has created a range of resources focusing on general aspects of dementia through to more specialised areas. Browse our different products below.


Unfortunately, hard copies of DSDC publications are unavailable online, however they will be available through the DSDC website in the coming weeks. Digital downloads are still available below. Apologies for any inconvenience during this time. If you have an urgent book query, or are looking to bulk buy, please contact


What we offer

  • Design

    DSDC has created a mixture of design resources from an accessible level through to more in-depth, technical publications.

  • Care

    DSDC provides a range of resources for those working for care providers. This includes our helpful hints range.

  • Environmental Toolkit (EADDAT)

    The ‘Environments for ageing and dementia design assessment toolkit’ (EADDAT) provides evidence-based explanations and checklists for any building type, to support the creation of age inclusive environments.

  • Best Practice

    Resources and handouts for facilitators and learners of DSDC’s ‘Best practice in dementia care learning programme’.

  • Translated Resources

    DSDC has created a handful of dementia resources covering information about dementia in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Hindi, Punjab and Urdu.

  • Helpful Hints

    DSDC’s ‘Helpful hints’ range has been created specifically for carers in an easy-to-read format. Each book provides useful suggestions that can support a person living with a dementia.

Featured Products

  • 10 Helpful Hints for Carers

    An easy-to-read guide providing simple, practical solutions to the everyday problems family carers can face when looking after a person with dementia.

  • Architecture for dementia

    A compendium of international architecture projects each awarded the world renowned DSDC building accreditation 'Gold' award for dementia design.

  • Delirium Toolkit

    This easy-to-use toolkit offers actions which can be undertaken quickly to try and alleviate some symptoms or causes of the delirium.


DSDC is incredibly grateful to the array of funders who have, and continue to support the work of the centre. If you would like to support DSDC or ageing and dementia research, you can donate here.