PhD Funding Available
The Centre for the Sciences of Place and Memory, a new Leverhulme-funded interdisciplinary centre based in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, is recruiting 2-4 fully funded PhD studentships to study dynamic relations between place and memory at multiple timescales and levels, and how people navigate together in space and time.
Image courtesy of Pexels
How do I apply?
You can apply by submitting an Expression of Interest form, available on the Centre for Sciences of Place and Memory’s website where you can also access full guidelines.
Enquiries to:
The PhD Studentships:
· provide full UK fees (£4,712) and a stipend set at the UKRI minimum annual award for 2024/25 (£18,622 p.a.). (There are limited fee waivers and stipends available for international students).
· are available for 3 years FTE or 36 months (only full-time candidates may apply)
· start in March or April 2025
· are interdisciplinary, welcoming candidates from any tradition or discipline but their research project must relate directly to the Centre’s focus on place and memory
There are two rounds of PhD Studentships. This call is the first round, with 2-4 studentships available, with a start date of March or April 2025. The second round of applications, with 4-6 studentships available, will be announced in Spring 2025, with a start date of September 2025. If you would like to be considered for the second round starting in September 2025, please do not apply now.
What is the Centre for the Sciences of Place and Memory?
The Leverhulme International Professorship grant to Professor John Sutton supports the establishment of a new Centre for the Sciences of Place and Memory at the University of Stirling. Anchored in Philosophy and housed in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Centre draws on cognitive sciences, social sciences, and the arts to break new ground in the study of spatial thinking, disorientation, and remembering the past. It connects the sciences of space and memory with contemporary practical concerns about memory, emotion, and place.
The Centre’s research on place and memory is driven by attention to specific topics or domains, not restricted to any one tradition or discipline. Focus is given and maintained through six workstreams, designed as vertical slices through disparate disciplines, integrating research in arts and humanities, social sciences, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. For more details about these workstreams, please see here:
Workstream #1. Memory, truth, and the past
Workstream #2. Place memory and place knowledge
Workstream #3. Collaborative wayfinding
Workstream #4. Technologies of navigation and memory
Workstream #5. Disorientation and difficult places
Workstream #6. Cognitive ecologies of the city
Who can apply?
We welcome expressions of interest from all candidates who meet the University’s entry criteria for Postgraduate Research degrees, and who in addition have a masters degree and/or equivalent professional experience in a related field. Applications from researchers with active interests in indigenous knowledge and cross-cultural practices of remembering and place-making are particularly welcome. We are keen to support applications from those who are underrepresented in traditional academic disciplines and structures.
When is the application deadline?
Submit your Expression of Interest by 11.59pm GMT on 20 December 2024.