The Public

Dementia impacts millions of people everyday and with a global ageing population the numbers of people being diagnosed with dementia is anticipated to increase. It can be a difficult journey to navigate without the right knowledge and understanding.

We believe by providing a basic understanding and practical information to anyone who supports a person living with dementia they can be more confident in their role and better support the person they care for. Whether you are a family carer, a friend, a volunteer or maybe you want to make your community more supportive for people living with dementia, our resources will provide you with the information you need. 

  • Information Hub

    We have created an information hub; a free online resource that provides all the basic information you need to understand dementia and how you can support someone with a diagnosis. The hub is filled with practical suggestions over a range of key areas, including: communication, changes in behaviour, the environment; eating and drinking; hospital visits and admissions; and travel. Most recommendations can be implemented straight away and have no too little cost. By developing a greater understanding of how dementia impacts on the person can help in understanding why a person may present in a certain way. Considering things from the persons perspective can often help us to better support their needs, in their journey with dementia.

  • Workshops

    DSDC runs workshops, both online and in person, for carers and volunteers which are free of charge. Workshops cover all the information available in the information hub, but allows for discussions and more focused information. Our workshops are funded by donations and charitable sources so some geographical restrictions may apply.

  • Environmental Toolkit (EADDAT)

    For anyone looking at more information on how the environment can impact a person living with dementia then Tier 1 of DSDC’s Environments for Ageing and Dementia Design Assessment Tool (EADDAT) is an ideal place to start. This toolkit explains more about how the places we work, live and socialise in can impact a person living with dementia. There are checklists that you can work through to make small changes that can have a positive impact on a person’s experience within a space.

  • Resources

    You may find our range of resources useful to you, in particular our Helpful Hints series. These books have been created specifically for family carers and provide useful suggestions and explanations. We also have a small range of translated dementia information resources available.

 Other groups DSDC works with

  • Care Providers

    DSDC works with care providers to support organisations, and their staff, to achieve service excellence. 

  • Designers

    DSDC’s multi-disciplinary team assist the design industry to create spaces which are supportive for our ageing population and people living with dementia.  

  • Manufacturers

    DSDC has a wealth of experience working with manufacturers and the design industry to support their project requirements.